Quick FAQs
Can I have the timber and carpet floors level with the concrete?
Yes, most definitely. Levels are another important reason for you to communicate with your Builder and Concreter.
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What do you recommend not to use for cleaning a concrete floor?
Do not use any Bleach Based or Citrus Based Cleaners on a concrete floor. -
Are all polished concrete floors the same?
The end result of a polished concrete floor is determined by the skill and experience of your Concrete Polisher. Here at CCC polished concrete we believe that a minimum of 4 years experience is required. Our team consists of experienced, passionate polishing specialists. -
When is the best time to polish a new concrete slab?
The best time for us is usually about 1 week after the pour, I will inspect the floor and advise the best result for you. -
What is the standard process for residential customers choosing polished concrete floors?
For new houses the type of aggregate and concrete colour should be decided before the slab is poured.
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What other factors/variables to do with the cement layer and concreter are important for ensuring the polished concrete job is finished perfectly?
New home builders should consult with their concrete polisher to ensure that their slab is poured with concrete polishing in mind.
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Can cracks be filled?
Yes, but it is best to leave fine cracks for a couple of years as there may be a chance the cracks will close again with movement.
Can a steam mop be used on Polished Concrete?
No, a steam mop should never be used on Polished Concrete.